Our prompt was to brand a subcompany of HP Hood LLC. My subcompany was called The Cultured Cow, it is meant to be marketed to health conscious mothers with a flair for design; mom's with good taste. "
The Cultured Cow has an in school delivery service, the Cultured Calf, which guarantees children will get healthy, organic, and nutritious food delivered right to their school yard. There's both the at home milk carton design and kid cafeteria milk design. Ideally the milk would get delivered to school by a patterned truck! "
The Cultured Cow has an in school delivery service, the Cultured Calf, which guarantees children will get healthy, organic, and nutritious food delivered right to their school yard. There's both the at home milk carton design and kid cafeteria milk design. Ideally the milk would get delivered to school by a patterned truck! "